AccessibAll Introducing AccessibAll solutions For more than a decade, AccessibAll has dedicated ourselves to tirelessly supporting venues in creating inclusive and accessible environments, with a special focus on preparing UEFA Finals to the highest standards. Our expertise has been deployed at over 100 venues across Europe and beyond, as we passionately strive to promote equality and inclusion throughout the world of sports. Our highly skilled team of experts, trained to assess accessibility in accordance with European standards, is passionately committed to providing stadiums with comprehensive, insightful, and actionable recommendations. Our ultimate goal is simple yet profound - to ensure that every individual, regardless of disability, can fully relish their matchday experience. To best support venues, clubs, leagues, national associations and confederations, we are delighted to launch our AccessibAll solutions. At AccessibAll, our mission transcends mere parity; we strive to shape a game where every fan, regardless of disability, is embraced and celebrated. This dedication has given rise to a range of services tailored to assist venues and clubs in better catering to their disabled fans and ensuring a memorable matchday experience for all. The AccessibAll Services Expertise Directory will be published shortly. The Directory presents a comprehensive proposal of our stadium improvement services and trainings, including: Our extensive and unparalleled stadium access appraisal programme (matchday and non-matchday), designed to not only evaluate the existing levels of access but also provide practical and effective solutions for enhancing accessibility. Our award-winning audio-descriptive commentary (ADC) training and certification, delivering the very best commentators that are trained to provide a life-changing service for your partially sighted and blind supporters. Our stadium accessibility minimum requirements training, helping you to understand where your stadium should be and how to get there. Our expert review of stadium architectural drawings, ensuring that good access is implemented at the earliest possible opportunity to prevent the need for refurbishments further down the line. Our accessible events venue appraisal, helping you to welcome a wide range of disabled people to your conferences and non-matchday activities in an inclusive and accessible environment. Our disabled fans feedback and survey reports project, designed specifically to gain valuable insights from the people who know accessibility best at your venues - your disabled fans - and using their experiences to improve the situation for all. Our accessibility ticketing and proof of eligibility training, supporting you in implementing an inclusive ticketing policy that gives disabled fans the fairest opportunity to watch live matches. Our disability, inclusion and etiquette training programme, tailored to advise all of your customer-facing staff, stewards and volunteers to understand your disabled fans better and learn how to communicate effectively and appropriately. Our Disability Access Officer (DAO) training package, which has been delivered to over 1500 participants and helps DAOs torecognise common practices, understand their own stadiums and services better, and plan effectively for issuesthat could occur over the season. With our AccessibAll solutions, we wholeheartedly believe in the transformative power of sports. The electrifying energy of the crowd, the thrill of crucial games, and the unbreakable camaraderie among supporters - these are experiences that should be accessible to everyone. Our mission is to make these moments inclusive for all individuals and assist you in fulfilling and exceeding accessibility standards, enabling you to become champions for disabled fans. Through partnerships, we can create a more welcoming and unforgettable sporting experience for everyone involved. "We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate and join forces in creating a more inclusive and hospitable environment at your stadiums. Together, we can make a significant impact in enhancing accessibility and ensuring that every individual feels welcome and valued. Let’s embark on this journey together to make a positive change!" Olivier Jarosz, AccessibAll Chief Executive Officer If you wish to discuss AccessibAll solutions further, or if you are interested in commissioning AccessibAll to deliver any of the services and trainings on offer through the Directory, please email us at [email protected]. We look forward to working together to ensure an inclusive, accessible and welcoming experience for all disabled supporters. Manage Cookie Preferences