Get involved Report Incident Every spectator deserves to have a positive experience at live sports matches and attend without fear of abuse. Yet, around 1 in 4 disabled spectators across Europe have experienced or witnessed an act of disability discrimination at a football match. AccessibAll is committed to tackling disability hate within sport. We believe football should be accessible, inclusive, and welcoming to all fans, and are committed to enabling disabled spectators to have the same matchday experiences as their non-disabled counterparts. As part of our strategy for preventing disability hate within football, AccessibAll is recording incidents of disability hate at football matches across the world. We have also published guidance on tackling disability hate incidents for clubs and national associations. REPORT NOW If you need immediate support as you are currently at a match or if it is an emergency, please contact the matchday staff or local police and report to AccessibAll later. What is a disability hate incident A disability hate crime is a criminal offence committed against a disabled person, or a person perceived to be disabled, motivated by hostility and prejudice towards disabled people. If someone has been targeted for their actual or perceived disability but the incident is not a criminal offence under local law, it is classified as a disability hate incident. AccessibAll also considers offensive disability terminology and slurs to be disability hate incidents. Disability hate incidents in football Disability hate incidents can include harassment, verbal abuse, bullying or intimidation, physical violence, threats, online abuse, using disability slurs, and theft of or damage to property. The following real-life examples would be classified by AccessibAll as a disability hate incident within football: A disabled spectator being abused for moving too slowly up a staircase Other spectators damaging or stealing mobility equipment from disabled spectators A group of spectators mocking disabled spectators at matches by mimicking and filming autistic spectators stimming Spectators abusing match officials and players using disability slurs (at matches or online) Please report any incidents where disabled people or people perceived to be disabled have been targeted at football matches. No incident is too minor and all will be treated equally by AccessibAll. Why report Escalate your report via AccessibAll to the relevant football authorities (this can be done anonymously if you prefer) Help AccessibAll campaign for change by adding to our data Inform AccessibAll strategies for tackling disability hate in football How to report You can report previous and current season incidents to AccessibAll using our online form, via email to [email protected], or by calling +44 (0)203 355 9867 to organise a callback from the AccessibAll team. If you require an alternative way to report or information in another language, please contact AccessibAll. If you need immediate support as you are currently at a match or if it is an emergency, please contact the matchday staff or local police and report to AccessibAll later. Previous seasons Please do report any incidents of disability hate in previous seasons. These will be added to AccessibAll’s records and used to demonstrate the scale of the issue and the different types of incidents. However, whilst AccessibAll will make footballing authorities aware of incidents from previous seasons, AccessibAll cannot push for further action. Multiple discrimination Only disability-related incidents should be reported to AccessibAll. Please indicate if multiple protected characteristics were targeted. If the incident was not disability-related but involved other protected characteristics, please report directly to Fare network. What happens to reports All reports will be logged by AccessibAll and added anonymously to our annual incident report publication. They will also be shared with Fare network who record all forms of discrimination within European football in monthly incident lists. AccessibAll will refer reports to the relevant club or national association on your behalf. Depending on the location of the match or the competition, some reports may be also be referred to Fare network, UEFA or FIFA where appropriate. All incidents of multiple discrimination will be referred to Fare Network and followed up by CAFE and Fare Network. AccessibAll cannot refer reports to the police or other non-footballing authorities. It is strongly advised that you also report all incidents to local police. Report now Manage Cookie Preferences