Jonas Kallin has been Elfsborg’s DAO since 2011 and reports to the club’s chief executive and chief financial officer. He works for the club on a full-time basis, and also acts as an events manager.

What are your main duties as DAO?

I liaise with various associations for disabled people and listen to what we can do to facilitate their visit to our stadium.

Is there anything in particular that you have successfully implemented or changed as the DAO at your club?

We now have a sign language interpreter on our big screens at every match, in order to relays audible announcements to deaf and hard of hearing supporters. We also provide audio-descriptive commentary services.

What are some of the challenges you have faced in your role as DAO and how have you dealt with them?

A big challenge was finding a way to make the whole stadium accessible to all disabled people, so that they could choose where to sit, just like everybody else. We solved that problem by using our big screens to display sign language interpretation and by installing our own radio frequency for our audio-descriptive commentary service.

How do you meet, liaise and work with your club’s disabled fans?

I have discussions with disabled supporters and the associations that represent them and listen to their wishes and needs.

What impact do you think Article 35bis of the UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations, which requires clubs to appoint a DAO, will have on football?

If clubs find the right people for the role of DAO, this will be a positive step. The person has to be dedicated. It is good that there is now a requirement for clubs to appoint a DAO and that this target group is being highlighted. It is important that we see disabled people as equals and that they have the same opportunities to watch football as everybody else.

What top three tips would you give someone who is about to start work as a DAO at a club?

1. Talk and listen to disabled people.

2. Don´t over-complicate solutions; the easy way is often the best way.

3. Take your time.