The Centre for Access to Football in Europe (CAFE) has created

an easy-to-read version of the Non-Visibly Disabled Fans Survey.


The easy-to-read version has been created

to make sure that everyone can take part in the research project.


Easy-to-read information uses simple language and pictures.

It explains words that are difficult to understand.


The aim of the survey is to understand how football can offer

 a more inclusive experience for all supporters.


CAFE has worked with experts on this research project,

as part of our non-visible disabilities working group.

Inclusion Europe created the easy-to-read version of the survey.


You can answer the easy-to-read survey

as a word document

or you can print the pdf.


You can answer the original survey

online or as a word document.


If you have already answered the original survey,

please do not answer the easy-to-read version.


The survey is in English but you can answer in your native language.

If you prefer, you can complete the survey over the phone.

You can request other formats of the survey using the contact information below.


The easy-to-read survey is open until Tuesday 16 June 2020.


We have extended the closing date of the original survey

so that more people are able to share their views and experiences.

The original survey will now close at 1800 CET on Tuesday 16 June 2020.


Thank you to everyone who has taken part in the survey so far.


If you have a non-visible disability or long-term health condition,

please take part and help us to make football accessible for everyone.


Who can complete the survey?

  • intellectually or learning disabled people,
  • neurodivergent people, for example autism, sensory processing disability, ADHD, Tourette’s, dyslexia, dyspraxia,
  • people with neurological conditions, for example dementia, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis,
  • people with mental health issues, for example depression, bipolar, schizophrenia,
  • other non-visibly disabled people or people with long-term health conditions, for example endometriosis, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, breathing or heart conditions,
  • people with a non-visible disability or long-term health condition, and another disability, for example a wheelchair user with dementia,
  • companions and personal assistants of disabled people.

If you need any help to complete or return the survey, if you would like to talk about the survey in more detail, or to request other formats, please email CAFE at [email protected] or call +44 (0)208 065 5108.

More information about the project and the original survey can be downloaded in Croatian, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Ukrainian.

Published 15/5/2020