The working group of the Erasmus+ project - ‘Good Governance Needs Access and Inclusion’ - held a meeting in Lisbon to discuss the strategies developed in each participating country and to provide feedback across the group.

The project, working towards good governance in sport through integrating disabled fans’ feedback into national strategies, kicked off in January 2021 with CAFE joining representatives of national associations, leagues and national disabled supporters associations in Belgium, France and Germany.

Universidade Europeia - Portugal (ENSILIS) is also working on the project, and hosted the partners in Lisbon.

The Belgian, French and German national strategies were outlined and discussed, covering a vast array of different topics including audio-descriptive commentary (ADC), advance access information and digital accessibility.

Members of the working group also discussed the format of the final survey which will complete the project, and how to ensure that feedback from disabled fans on each of the national strategies is taken on board.

Future workshops will take place in Germany and Belgium in 2023, with digital accessibility, accessible ticket sales procedures and colour blind awareness all to be discussed further.

The working group is also due to meet online in November 2022, to discuss accessible tickets and platforms.

CAFE Research Officer Isobel Robins said, “It was a wonderful opportunity for the working group to come together in Lisbon and discuss their national strategies. The working group found the experiences and feedback from partners in other countries to be particularly useful in tailoring their own strategies, and this unified approach will surely benefit many disabled fans in the future. We look forward to continuing these discussions at our next online meeting and in future workshops in the new year”.

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The programme is managed by the European Commission, and offers funding for international actions to promote inclusive opportunities.

For more information about the ‘Good Governance Needs Access and Inclusion’ project, please email [email protected] or call +44 (0)208 065 5108.

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Published 29/11/2022