Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Social Policy Sergiy Tihipko held a meeting to discuss the rights of disabled people in the context of preparation to the final part of the UEFA EURO 2012 tournament.

As an outcome of the meeting, it was decided to set up a working group to hold monthly meetings with representatives of NGOs for disabled people to create barrier-free environment.

It is also planned to organize trainings for flight attendants, volunteers, service workers, transportation and healthcare staff to provide them with general knowledge on ethical communication, support and assistance to disabled people and some basics of sign language.

It was declared that disabled people’s needs to be considered at:

• construction, reconstruction, development of buildings and facilities, including hotels and subways, street and road and pedestrian network;
• purchasing of public transport, including the one adapted to disabled people’s needs, with obligatory media to inform partially sighted or hearing passengers;

All broadcastings of UEFA EURO 2012 matches on domestic television will be supported with subtitles.

A version of this article is also available in Russian and Ukrainian.

Published 17/06/2011