The Swiss Raiffeisen Super League and its clubs are hosting a themed week from 21-29 October, celebrating the importance of providing audio-descriptive commentary for partially sighted and blind football fans.

There are currently over 320,000 partially sighted and blind people living in Switzerland, with this figure rising on a yearly basis. It can be fairly assumed that many will be football fans - the world's most popular game.

To ensure partially sighted and blind fans can enjoy live football in an inclusive and welcoming environment, it is important to implement accessible services such as audio-descriptive commentary.

The Swiss Raiffeisen Super League is working with its clubs, as well as disability NGO Schweizerischen Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband (SBV) and Radio Blind Power to promote audio-descriptive commentary at stadiums across the country.

Radio Blind Power currently offers audio-descriptive commentary at two matches per round of fixtures (two games every weekend), and are aiming to increase this number at a later time. Listeners can tune in from home, on the road and from within the stadium by visiting

The league is also working with the Federal Office for Sport (BASPO) and the Swiss Federal Office for Equality of Disabled Persons (EBGB) during the initiative.

Raiffeisen, the main sponsor of the Swiss Super League, entered into a multi-year partnership with the league and Radio Blind Power to continue to make live football accessible for partially sighted and blind fans and promote the implementation of this inclusive service.

A press release from the Swiss Raiffeisen Super League stated that 'football is about more than just the 90 minutes on the pitch', and implementing accessible solutions such as this can have a life-changing effect for many disabled people.

The CAFE team wishes the Swiss Raiffeisen Super League, Radio Blind Power and all participants the very best for the activities taking place this week, and we look forward to working together to promote an accessible and inclusive matchday experience for all.

For more information about the themed week, please click here (in French) or here (in German). You can also view a number of videos around the themed week on the Swiss Football League Youtube page or join the discussion on social media using the hashtag #mehrals90minuten.

Published 24/10/2017